For those looking for information on CUI training or additional CUI resources, here are a few helpful links: DoD Mandatory Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Training DoD CUI Program…Learn MoreCUI Resources
Background You might see it referred to as 2FA, MFA, or 2-step, but it all refers to having an additional authentication mechanism when we log in to a particular system.…Learn MoreMulti-factor authentication
IT professionals and power users employ all sorts of utilities for daily tasks. Often, a quick search will suggest several options that might work for what is trying to be…Learn MoreIs this file safe?
A great example popped up today regarding truly effective vulnerability management. Many businesses have automated patching tools, and some may be under the impression that by having a solution like…Learn MoreVulnerability management: is patching enough?
Having recently attended the ISOO’s CUI Fundamentals of Marking course, I would recommend data owners, compliance officers, and others follow the CUI Program Blog and look for future Marking courses.…Learn MoreMarking CUI
Per the DoD, DIB contractors have some new obligations in order to renew or earn new contracts. If you’ve landed here, you are probably aware of this fact, but maybe…Learn MoreDFARS Interim Rule – What do I need to do?
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and there is no better time to start thinking about developing a Security Awareness and Training program for your business. We offer structured training and…Learn MoreFree cybersecurity training resources
Building on the last post regarding MSPs and cybersecurity, here is a real world example of potential items that might not be covered if your business has not developed a…Learn MoreMSPs continued: Resurgence of Emotet Malware
Many businesses outsource their IT to Managed Services Providers (MSPs). MSPs play a critical role in business by providing services such as help desk, server management, hardware and software procurement,…Learn MoreI use an MSP. Am I secure?
Bound Planet Announces Commitment to Global Efforts Supporting and Promoting Online Safety and Privacy for Cybersecurity Awareness Month This year’s initiative highlights the importance of empowering individuals and organizations to…Learn MoreCybersecurity Awareness Month